Indian Runner Drakes
Indian runners are bred for their ability to lay eggs. They are docile, friendly, and have an upright appearance.
Weekly Delivery to Brisbane, Ipswich & Scenic Rim
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Indian runners are bred for their ability to lay eggs. They are docile, friendly, and have an upright appearance.
The ISA Brown is the most popular of all backyard layers. They are extremely friendly and lay plenty of large brown shelled eggs. All of our browns are vaccinated and sexed (Guaranteed girls). They are available all year round as sexed day olds for $14.50 or point of lay pullets for $32.00.
Pekins are very friendly, docile bantams and make great pets. They do go broody occasionally and also make great mothers. We stock regular pekin chicks in a variety of beautiful colours.
Pekins are very friendly, docile bantams and make great pets. They do go broody occasionally and also make great mothers. We stock both regular and frizzle pekins in a variety of beautiful colours.
After much searching we have managed to find some pure breed RIR utilities. Nearly all the RIR’s seen today are show birds, much larger than the originals and average layers. Our RIR’s are great layers with the beautiful deep maroon colour the birds are famous for.
After much searching we have managed to find some pure breed RIR utilities. Nearly all the RIR’s seen today are show birds, much larger than the originals and average layers. Our RIR’s are great layers with the beautiful deep maroon colour the birds are famous for.